ASICS Sustainability framework 

Built on two pillars – People and Planet – the ASICS Sustainability Framework sets out the targets, actions, and partnerships that enable us to improve people’s well-being while protecting the planet.
This Framework is in line with our wider business strategies – VISION 2030 and our Mid-Term Plan 2026 – and it is shaped according to our materiality analysis. With input from our key stakeholder groups and external frameworks like the UN
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as critical information from the business and the wider operating context, our material topics represent the areas in which ASICS has the biggest impact. They cover topics such as Climate Action, Human Rights, Supply Chain Transparency, and Innovation. Our philosophy places particular emphasis on the topic of Mental and Physical Well-being.

EN フレームワーク

ASICS Sustainability framework is built on two main pillars: People and Planet


Consumers and Communities

We help our consumers and communities to im- prove their mental and physical fitness and health.


Our corporate culture encourages diversity and creativity. We support our employees so they can fulfill their full potential.

Supply chain

We build transparent, fair and ethical partnerships, and empower the people in our supply chains.

Focus points

Mental & physical well-being
Human Rights in the Supply Chain



We limit our products’ impact on the planet, by focusing on the materials used, the production processes we employ, and sustainable design. 


We aim to make a positive contribution to global climate goals by adjusting the way in which we operate, including our manufacturing processes.

Focus points

Climate action

Prioritizing Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities

To ensure we are addressing ASICS’ most important sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities, we update our materiality assessment annually and conduct a comprehensive review every three years. Our material topics are those that
are most relevant to our stakeholders and our business, and as such, our approach to materiality revolves around stakeholder engagement.

In 2023, we performed a double materiality assessment. This involves establishing not just the outward impacts ASICS has on people and the planet, but also the opportunities and risks various sustainability topics bring to the business.

This double materiality assessment is one of the first steps in preparing to meet the requirements of the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will apply to ASICS Europe in 2025. From 2028, ASICS global will be required to report according to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). 

In preparation, we have aligned our earlier materiality assessment with the CSRD requirements, identified key business activities and stakeholders, narrowed down topics based on ESRS and SASB standards, conducted an initial impact assessment, and held a double materiality workshop with internal stakeholders. We have conducted a gap analysis, and we are working with departments across the company to ensure we have the relevant information to report fully on our material topics. Based on identified gaps, we have drafted a high-level roadmap towards sustainability reporting in line
with the CSRD requirements.

See the Sustainability Report for more information.

EN Materiality

Material topics in the value chain

The impacts, risks, and opportunities of our material topics are connected to ASICS directly and its value chain. The visual represents the impacts of
the material topics across our value chain, allowing us to understand where and how we have positive or negative impacts on people and the planet.

Sus Material topics in the value chain

KPIs at a glance

To realize our philosophy of Sound Mind, Sound Body, we have established approaches, KPIs, and actions as part of the ASICS 2026 Mid-Term Plan.
Read more about our targets here


Value chain

Raw materials

We are switching to more sustainable materials, such as recycled or bio-based polyester and certified natural materials.

Material processing

We are committed to meeting our quality and safety standards and reducing resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the production process. We build transparent, fair and ethical partnerships and empower people.

Product manufacturing

We engage with our suppliers to reduce environmental impacts during the manufacturing process and encourage them to actively seek renewable energy alternatives. We build transparent, fair and ethical partnerships and empower people.

Distribution to market

We work with our logistics providers to transport our products to our various markets in the most efficient way, including shifting to packaging with lower environmental impact.


Our own retail stores are designed to use energy efficiently and to maximize the reuse of store fittings. We are switching to more sustainable packaging for our products.

Product use phase

We support consumers to improve their mental and physical health and help them to reduce their environmental impact through care label advice. We offer repair services for some products in Japan.

End of life and recycling

We investigate partnerships and engage consumers in take-back programs to support a circular economy.

Sustainability policies and guidelines

To guide ASICS employees and our business partners as we work together towards a shared vision of a sustainable future, we have policies and guidelines in place. Covering topics ranging from anti-corruption to cotton use, human rights
to conflict minerals, these policies and guidelines set out a clear path we can all take as we create products that improve people’s well-being.
To embed our policies and guidelines at the core of our operations, we offer ongoing training to employees and business partners. This includes training on materials and products guidelines, annual supplier training on our Policy of
Engagement, and annual employee training on ASICS’ Code of Conduct.

Governing Sustainability at ASICS

Sustainability is on the agenda for ASICS governing bodies all the way to shareholders and the Board of Directors. With a governance structure that spans the company, we can ensure our sustainability strategy remains integrated with the overall business strategy.

→ Board of Directors

Chaired by the ASICS CEO. Oversees the ASICS sustainability strategy and ensures sustainability is integrated and prioritized in corporate objectives. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the General Manager of the sustainability department report to the Board of Directors at least twice a year on sustainability-related risks and opportunities based on input from the Sustainability Committee and Risk Management Committee. The latest sustainability knowledge is also reported to the CEO and the Board of Directors regularly.

→ Sustainability Committee

Chaired by the ASICS CEO. Reviews strategy and action
plan, and provides progress reports.

→ Risk Management Committee

Chaired by the ASICS COO. Reviews priority risks and action plans, and reports on progress.

→ Human Rights Committee

Advises on human rights issues, oversees the implementation of human rights due diligence, and evaluates the effectiveness of ASICS’ human rights-related actions. 

Dealing with critical concerns 

In addition to implementing ASICS’ sustainability strategy, these governance bodies are responsible for dealing with grievances and violations of ASICS policies. ASICS employees and business partners can use our confidential Global
Whistleblowing System to report their concerns. We encourage employees, subsidiaries, suppliers, and partners to use this mechanism, and they have the option to do so anonymously. We ensure their reports are dealt with promptly
and confidentially, according to the process outlined in our Global Policy on Protected Disclosure. Ultimately, critical concerns are reported to the Audit & Supervisory Committee, as disclosed in the GRI content index.

Read more about the grievance mechanism in our value chain →

Global Policy on Protected Disclosure (Whistleblowing) →

Read more about governance at ASICS →

Sus governance

External recognition

ASICS Corporation was selected for the 10th time as a component company of the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia/Pacific Index.

ASICS is pleased to announce that it has received the highest rating "A" in the climate change, by the international non-profit organization CDP*.

ASICS Corporation has been continuously included in the FTSE4Good Index since 2016 and the FTSE Blossom Japan index since 2017.

ASICS Corporation has been continuously included with AA ratings since 2017.