Our net-zero 2050 target

We support ongoing global efforts to limit average temperature increases to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels and aim for a collective net-zero world by 2050. We have set several targets and actions, involving the increased use of renewable energy and overall reduction in energy use in our operations.

Reducing energy use and CO2 emissions

Manufacturing requires energy and water, and it produces greenhouse gas emissions. We work to reduce our emissions within both the direct scope of our own operations and the wider indirect scope.

Renewable energy

Renewable energy is one of the keys to shift to a net-zero society. We therefore continue to increase our use of renewable electricity in key regions.

Renewable energy section

We define renewable energy based on the Technical Criteria of RE100. We periodically check whether our sourcing renewable energy is aligned with the criteria.
*Please see CDP questionnaire C8.2g and C8.2h for further details.
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Roadmap towards net zero
EN Roadmap towards net zero

More about our scope 1&2 path to net-zero

Reducing scope 3 CO2 emissions

We measure our scope 3 CO2 emissions across our global operations to assess the impact of changes in our business operations. Our target is to reduce our indirect (scope 3) CO2 emissions from purchased goods, services and end-of-life treatment of sold products by 63% by 2030 (2015 base year).

More about our scope 3 CO2-emissions

Resource efficiency improvement

The materials and other resources we use to make our products are valuable, and we are committed to using them as efficiently as possible. To achieve our targets, we are making smart material and design choices to ensure that more of our materials can be reused and reduce the waste being disposed of in landfill.

More about resource efficiency

Managing the environmental impacts of manufacturing

Supply chain manufacturing accounts for more than 65% of our overall environmental impacts. For apparel, the impacts are associated with manufacturing processes, and washing while the products are in use. We are committed to using our influence within our supply chain to reduce these impacts.

More about impacts of manufacturing

*Please see CDP questionnaire C2.2 and C2.3a for further details on climate-related.
*Please see CDP questionnaire (C6, C6.5, C7.2, C7.5.) for further details on Emissions and Emissions breakdowns data.
*Please see CDP questionnaire C11.3 for our current direction on internal carbon pricing.
*Please see CDP questionnaire C12.3 for further details on advocacy.
 Link(we don't put direct link to CDP website due to security reason, we put PDF link instead)