ASICS Human Rights Policy

ASICS' founding philosophy is "A sound mind in a sound body" and we aim to provide products, services,and environments that contribute to improving the physical and mental well-being of all people around the world. Throughout its business activities, ASICS believes that it is an important corporate responsibility to respect the fundamental human rights of people working for itself and its supply chain, as well as people in countries and regions affected by its business, and to ensure their physical and mental well-being and safety.

ASICS' human rights policy is based on an understanding of the human rights expressed in the "International Bill of Human Rights" and the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) as a minimum, and we will respect these human rights. In addition, this policy is formulated in accordance with the United Nations (UN) “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”, the OECD “Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises”, and the ILO “Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy”.

ASICS will comply with the laws and regulations applicable in each country or region in which it operates.Where there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the national laws of each country, ASICS will seek ways to maximize respect for international human rights principles.

Process for Developing Human Rights Policy

  • Understand global trends in human rights issues through desk research of domestic and international human rights-related reports and news articles.
  • Identifying the elements required for human rights policies and human rights due diligence based on international standards such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the evaluation methodology of ESG evaluation organizations.
  • As part of the human rights impact assessment, we had dialogue with suppliers, NGOs and a wide range of departments within the company (Human Resources & General Affairs, Production, Sustainability, Customer Service, and Marketing) and labor unions.
  • ASICS human rights policy was developed in consideration of the key areas of human rights and past efforts and issues.
  • Technical input and dialogue from ILO Office in Japan
  • Approved by ASICS Board of Directors and signed by CEO

Commitment to Respect Human Rights

ASICS will fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights by ensuring that its business activities do not infringe on the human rights of those affected by its business activities, and by taking appropriate action to correct any negative human rights impacts that may arise from its business activities. 

We recognize that our business is not limited to our own operations, but is comprised of our global supply chain, we place importance on engagement with our suppliers and work to respect human rights in the supply chain.

As part of our governance structure, the Human Rights Committee provides advice and oversight, and reports to the Risk Management Committee, which is chaired by the CEO.


Human Rights Due Diligence

We will establish and continuously improve a human rights due diligence mechanism. Through the implementation of human rights due diligence, we will identify potential negative human rights impacts of our business activities and prioritize appropriate actions throughout the value chain to prevent and mitigate such impacts.

We will also value stakeholder engagement in the implementation of this process.

Priority Areas

To achieve people's physical and mental well-being and a sustainable society through our products and services, we promote decent work not only for our own employees but also for workers in our supply chain.

Healthy Workplace and
Sound Mind Sound Body of Employees

The ASICS philosophy calls for a "freedom, fairness and discipline, respectful of all individuals" organization that respects diversity, is free from discrimination and harassment, maintains appropriate working hours and occupational health and safety, and aims for a healthy workplace that achieves Sound Mind Sound Body.

Human Rights of Workers in the Supply Chain

Based on the principle of respect for human rights, ASICS has established a ASICS Policy of Engagement (Supplier Code of Conduct), which sets minimum standards for forced labor, child labor, harassment, discrimination, freedom of association, wages, working hours, occupational health and safety, and environmental protection. We also require our business partners to respect and not violate the human rights of those affected by our supply chain.

Human Rights of Customers

ASICS respects the human rights of its customers in all countries and regions where we do business. In particular, we will ensure fair information dissemination regarding the safety of our products so that our customers can choose our products and services with peace of mind. We will also respect the privacy of our customers and manage personal information appropriately.We do not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, religion, age, gender, gender identity,sexual orientation, or disability etc. in our product design and advertising activities.


When it becomes apparent that we have caused or participated in a negative impact on human rights, we will work to remedy the situation through appropriate procedures. In such circumstances, we will establish a process for remediation and redress that is accessible to affected parties. The reporting contact is anonymous and confidential, and is available not only to employees of the entire group, including overseas subsidiaries, but also to external stakeholders, including suppliers and other business partners. The effectiveness of remedy is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and is confirmed with indicators such as "Legitimate", "Accessible", "Predictable", "Equitable", "Transparent", "Rights-compatible", "A source of continuous learning", "Based on engagement and dialogue".

We are introducing a grievance mechanism for suppliers (contract factories) in our supply chain. 

Global Policy on Protected Disclosure (Whistleblowing)

Communication and Education

To ensure that this policy is embedded in our business activities, we will reflect it in the necessary procedures and provide the necessary education and training to our directors, employees, and suppliers. We will also reflect this policy in relevant policies and necessary procedures to ensure that it is firmly established
throughout our business activities.

Dialogue and Consultation

We will consult with relevant internal and external stakeholders to confirm our response to potential and actual human rights impacts and the effectiveness of our response.

For social structural issues that cannot be resolved by the Company alone, we will build partnerships with external stakeholders and promote collaborative efforts.


ASICS will appropriately report its decision-making and business activities and their impact on society and the environment in accordance with the principles of our CSR Policy, "Be accountable and transparent”. We will regularly report on our efforts to respect human rights and the implementation of human rights due diligence through various reports and our website. In addition, relevant departments within the company will work together to provide appropriate information so that our stakeholders can understand our efforts.

This policy was approved by the Board of Directors of ASICS Corporation on June 10, 2022.

Sustainability Reports

Integrated Reports