Kihachiro Onitsuka, aspiring to start a company that would contribute to nurturing youth and the development of society through sports, founded ASICS in 1949. Our founding philosophy of ANIMA SANA IN CORPORE SANO – A Sound Mind, in A Sound Body expresses our desire for people around the world to live healthful, happy lives both physically and mentally.

Our medium-term company strategy VISION2030 lays out our long-term mission, to Create Quality Lifestyles through Intelligent Sports Technology, and our goal based on this is to ensure a world in which each and every one of us can engage in exercise and sports throughout our lives and continue to live in good health, both mentally and physically.

We have all grown increasingly conscious of both physical and emotional health amidst this unprecedented global pandemic. Moreover, advances with digital technology now allow us to engage in sports in new, more varied ways. We know that our founding philosophy as well as our brand slogan of Sound Mind, Sound Body are more important than ever in realizing a society in which the joy of all types of sports can be shared for more fulfilling lifestyles for the people of the world.

We endeavor to continue to utilize the intelligent sports technology we have developed over years and continue to offer environmentally friendly and sustainable goods and services that will be both enjoyed and trusted by all sports lovers and ASICS stakeholders.
We would like to thank our investors and shareholders for your continued support.  


Chairman and CEO, 
Representative Director
ASICS Corporation


President and COO
Representative Director