As ASICS Headquarters we wish to present a clear guideline as to our opinion on environmental behavior. ASICS includes ASICS Corporation, its subsidiaries and its affiliates.

From our corporate philosophy and the values , it is clear that we feel a clear responsibility on environmental issues. It is our policy and Conviction to ensure that we do business according to the highest standards and that our practices comply with all applicable laws in any country we operate in through directly related companies or third parties.

This policy should be considered as complementary to local environmental policies in place. All the subsidiaries, affiliates and Business Partners should comply with this policy and local policy. In case of absence of such policy, this policy will be applicable.

The role of this policy is to direct and oversee human activities and thereby prevent harmful effects on nature and natural resources, as well as to make sure that changes in the environment do not have harmful effects on humans. ASICS is committed to a zero tolerance approach to diverting from this policy, in any way or form and wherever in the world.

As stated in our corporate philosophy, we need to fulfill our social responsibility and help improve conditions around the world. This relates to both our responsibility for the environment and to mankind.


This policy was established referring to the laws, regulations, and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues and sustainability.

These issues include air and water pollution, solid waste management, ecosystem management, maintenance of biodiversity, the protection of natural resources, wildlife and endangered species. Policies concerning energy or regulation of toxic substances like pesticides and many types of industrial waste are included in the topic of environmental policy.


This policy applies to ASICS Corporation, its subsidiaries and affiliates.

ASICS establishes a business relationship exclusively with suppliers, (sub) contractors, intermediaries, commercial agents, consultants and other service providers (hereinafter ”Business Partners”) who comply with Environmental Policy. ASICS and its Business Partners will not, directly or indirectly, deliberately harm the environment, but seek methods and ways to preserve it.


ASICS shall ensure that its practices comply with all applicable environmental legislation in its countries of operation, ASICS CSR policy and other requirements relating to its significant environmental aspects and impacts.

All ASICS directors and employees worldwide must read and understand this policy thoroughly and comply with it at all times. Any questions or doubts should be forwarded to the department in charge of environmental matters of the company or administrating (controlling or parental) company in accordance chapter Record-Keeping and Reporting sub b).

It is the responsibility of Management to communicate this policy and ensure that all employees and external parties working on behalf of ASICS, within their area of responsibility, understand and comply with this policy. It is the responsibility of Management to provide relevant training to employees with the aim of helping them understand and deal with dilemmas regarding the environment.

ASICS has the responsibility to look after the natural environment both for the current and future generations. Hence, ASICS recognized an important social responsibility for ensuring the conservation of the environment and is addressing the challenge of building a global society capable of sustainable development.

ASICS takes a systematic and continuous improvement-driven approach to managing environmental impacts within our own operations as well as in the wider supply chain.

Specifically we aim to:

  1. expand and improve our environmental management system (ISO14001) within ASICS group, clarify authority and responsibilities within ASICS group;
  2. Stimulate our directors and employees to address environmental responsibilities within the framework of daily operating procedures and act to preserve the environment on a global scale;
  3. Continuously reduce the environmental footprint of its business operations, including saving resources, saving energy, reducing wastes, promotion of green procurement, and preventing environmental contamination taking into account business priorities;
  4. Reduce the environmental impact of our products and services by taking life cycle analysis and product managements into our development processes, and encouraging and stimulating the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies and practices;
  5. Continuously work to ensure the safety of our products and environmental improvements by increasing the transparency of our supply chain, and in doing so, fulfilling our social responsibility;
  6. Promote improved awareness of environmental issues and implementation of best practices to ASICS’ directors, employees and Business Partners; and
  7. Ensure effective communication and engagement with customers, consumers, suppliers, and other stakeholders through disclosure of information regarding our environmental activities and performance.


It is vitally important that Business Partners not engage in damaging the environments or providing bad labor environment in order to obtain business with ASICS or to obtain services on behalf of ASICS.

ASICS may be held responsible for the conduct of our Business Partners. It is therefore important that we know our Business Partners and make sure that they do not violate environmental laws (allegedly) or this policy on ASICS’ behalf.

It is a condition of the engagement of any other party who performs services for or on behalf of ASICS that they act in accordance to this policy.


Violations may trigger severe sanctions against ASICS which includes, but are not limited to, the followings:

a) Authorities may impose substantial fines on ASICS

b) Criminal sanctions may lead to fines for individuals

c) Allegations of harming the environment and bad labor conditions may lead to substantial reputational damage and may impact our business and stock price


The consequences for violating this policy will depend upon the facts of each situation, but may lead to disciplinary action which may include termination of employment.


a) All accurate records shall be kept regarding environmental matters in accordance with the related internal policies. All these records shall be clear and transparent

b) All directors, employees and Business Partners are expected to report any violation of this policy and other related requirements they become aware of. If you become aware of any actual or suspected breach, you must raise your concerns as soon as possible. This can be done by contacting the CSR department of their company or their administrating (controlling or parental) company through ordinary reporting line, or the Global Whistleblowing Line. Reporters to the Global Whistleblowing Line can remain anonymous if they wish. How to contact the Global Whistleblowing Line is shown in the Global Policy on Protected Disclosure (Whistleblowing), and all the reports to the Global Whistleblowing Line should be treated in accordance with Global Policy on Protected Disclosure (Whistleblowing).

c) It is the policy of ASICS to report illegal acts to the appropriate authorities and to fully cooperate in any subsequent investigation.

d) All concerns raised directly to those mentioned under b) of this chapter will be reviewed and, if warranted, investigated.

e) It is recommended that, before reporting, reporters gather as much information, evidence or relevant documentation as possible, taking one’s personal risk into consideration, so that the concern can be effectively evaluated.

f) Malicious reporting and retribution of any kind against anyone suspected of reporting a concern will not be tolerated and will be treated as serious disciplinary misconduct. ASICS’ directors, employees and Business Partners are protected in accordance with this policy and Global Policy on Protected Disclosure (Whistleblowing). Concerns of harassment, intimidation or unfair treatment as a result of a report may be reported immediately in accordance to sub b) of this chapter.


Communication and training are being implemented so that this policy is fully understood.


The effectiveness of the implementation of this policy will be monitored and reviewed regularly considering its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.