ASICS Group Tax Policy
1. Fundamental Policy
The ASICS Group is committed fulfilling its obligation to contribute to society by returning profits earned through fair business activities in each region to local communities through the payment of appropriate taxes.
2. Tax Compliance
In the ASICS Global Code of Conduct, the ASICS Group strives to ensure our practices comply with all applicable laws in any country we operate in. To fulfill our corporate social responsibilities, we strive to improve tax compliance, making appropriate tax payments in accordance with tax-related laws and regulations in each jurisdiction and standards published by international organizations.
3. Tax Governance
Tax related corporate governance for the ASICS Group is included in our overall governance structure, allowing us to oversee tax issues and share tax information across the group. Tax risks and other issues are reported to the Board of Directors and tax-related reports are provided regardless of country on a global infrastructure, through which we implement the Global Tax Governance Policy and manage tax risks.
4. Ensuring Tax Transparency
We commit to enhancing tax transparency for our diverse stakeholders, shareholders, and investors through the appropriate disclosure of tax information, such as country-by-country tax information.
5. Appropriate Tax Payments and Eliminating Double Taxation
To increase shareholder value, the ASICS Group strives to minimize tax risks and to appropriately and effectively use tax reduction measures within the bounds of what is fair and legal. Furthermore, we work to prevent damage to corporate value due to tax penalties and double taxation. We shall not engage in the use of tax havens or excessive tax reduction through interpretations and applications of laws and regulations that deviate from their original intent, otherwise known as tax avoidance.
6. Transfer Pricing
The ASICS Group understands the aims of the OECD BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) initiatives and is working to ensure that in principle transfer pricing transactions between group companies are conducted at arm's length prices, thereby distributing international income appropriately.
7. Relations with Tax Authorities
The ASICS Group strives to maintain good relationships with tax authorities by providing factual explanations in good faith. We will take appropriate corrective and improvement measures in response to findings from submitting tax information for tax authority requests, as well as through the timely and appropriate submission of tax returns and payments.
FY2023 Tax Amounts by Region

・The above amounts are based on the "Country by Country Report" submitted to the National Tax Agency and have no direct relationship with the consolidated financial statements (Regional segments are based on the country where each company locates).
・The above disclosure items are based on EU Public CbCR (Country by Country Report) disclosure method and are prepared in advance for mandatory disclosure in future.
・Revenues include external and internal sales, as well as non-operating income and extraordinary income, and exclude dividends received from subsidiaries.
・Income tax paid in North America region: ▲2,729 million yen is a corporate tax refund under the US CARES Act (※).
・Income tax incurred is corporate tax on profits for the fiscal year ending December 2023 and does not match the amount of tax paid.
(※) Note on CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act):
Economic relief legislation enacted in the United States in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.